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Animag’s Mission:


    Animag, founded by the students of Cicely Tyson Middle and High School, is an internet magazine designed and dedicated to the hard work and efforts of the animation department. Animation is no easy feat. It requires years of drawing, patience, and perseverance in order to be successful. Animag’s purpose is to highlight the stories of our talented youth as they explain and showcase their talents and abilities in a very demanding field. For the animation students at Cicely Tyson middle school/high school, it is not about simulating reality; it is about creating something from the heart and giving our ideas and characters life and depth. For them, it is about giving their characters a sense of purpose.  Take a ride with us as we highlight the ups and downs of the animation department for the 2016-2017 school year.


Welcome to Animag

"What I love most about animation is, it's a team sport, and everything we do is about pure imagination."

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Jeffrey Katzenberg
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